Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 4 Updates

Hey guys,

Last week we went over the new version of the story and added details to the intro. We also made some key changes to the story. Basically, the resistance group will be more complicated than just a group of humans fighting for humanity. Although some of them still hold on to the original cause of the resistance, their leader and commanding officers are extremists. They have built up hatred toward the fish to the level that they just want to kill fishes for the fun of it; saving humanity is not their priority anymore. Witnesses innocent fishes being murdered and seeing how fishes react just like humans when they lose their family members; Roka decided to find a way to stop fishes and the resistance from fighting and try to reconcile the conflict between the two sides.
I think this addition will make the story more interesting. Also, it would make the reconciliation between human and fish less awkward and forcing like in the summary last week. Both sides need to go through a process of learning before they decide to come together; not immediately after one side have lost the battle. That's just weird ! Imagine someone comes to my house, blasts my door open with a shotgun and then blasts my roommates and then asks me if I want to be friend forever. ???

So, what we have so far is like this:
  • 200 years ago, there's an ambitious scientist who wanted to rule over mankind. He created a mighty army of sea creatures and led them to invade the human world.
  • Succeeded, he became the Emperor of his new Aqua Empire where sea creatures are the rulers and humans are servants.  
  • In present time, we start in a village of humans that escaped the invasion by finding a land that is hidden from the Aqua Empire. Here in this village live our protagonist, Roka and his sister, Fey.
  • One day, Roka flies with his glider hovering over the town. He crashes and goes unconcious.
  • He wakes up being tended to by a resistance group who also survived the invasion and have been fighting the Empire for years.
  • The resistance follows Roka back to his village because the resistance leader wants to convince the village to join force. The villagers refuse the request because they want to live in peace. 
  • In the middle of the conversation, the fish army ambushes the village. The resistance retreats. Some of the villagers followed the resistance to escape, others captured or killed by the fishes. Among the dead were Roka's parents and his sis sister, Fey, was captured.
  • Roka joins the resistance to find his sister and later on, battles the Empire for humans' freedom.
  • Throughout the journey, Roka turns disgusted with the meaningless violence of the resistance. He decides to come up with a plan to stop both sides from fighting.
  • Roka rescued the resistance leader's daughter from the fish king. Also, one of the resistance member turns out to be the fish king's lost son who carries out his mom's wish to guide humans to dethrone his dad and bring human and fish together.
  •  With the prince's help, Roka and his friends unite to defeat the fish king.
  •  The prince takes over the throne, humans and fishes then live together.
Okay, that's pretty much all we discuss story wise last week except the ending was created by me just now. We also decided to choose Victorian 18- 19th century to be the style of the movie-greatest example: Final Fantasy 9. Now that we have nailed all that down, we can start sketching and designing stuffs during the next meeting ( OH YEAH XD !!!! DRAW DRAW DRAW !!!!)


See you all Saturday ! 


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